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Attentive Sixties J-School Students Attentive 21st Century Media Students

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

CSS From the Ground Up - 1

CSS From the Ground Up - 1

Hey Beaconites!

This is a good primer on CSS. Cascading Style Sheets is a new trend in web design that is rapidly replacing out HTML as the basic format for web presentation.


Why do you need to know something this complicated?
Because you want jobs!

What is this stuff? Writers make content. You can envision the content as a stream of text. Designers make the forms that the content will pour into.

To help with understanding this concept, think of how the post office handles documents with 5- vs. 9-digit ZIP Codes.

In current HTML fashion, Webmasters distribute the content into the pre-existing forms. This takes some time, not an extravagant amount, but it adds up. Like Webbies may have to read through content and manually place it, the The Postal Clerk must review the 5-digit zip and place it in a pigeon-hole.

With css, the content goes directly where it's desired. A letter only needs a 9-digit ZIP for correct delivery. Name and address are already included. In CSS, the Titles are marked, the body copy marked and the individual details are included with eac bit of content. The content has all the info it needs to assemble itself on the viewer's screen.

So what? Some people use M$ Internet Explorer, others use Netscape and the MENSA candidates use Mozilla Firefox. These are Browsers. They have similar functions but different programming. Each handles page layout in diferent ways. CSS allows you to bypass many of these issues. You can set up info the way you want it.

Anyhow, here it is. If you want it, I'll work with you, I'm learning it myself.


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