A spot to discuss in-class topics

Attentive Sixties J-School Students Attentive 21st Century Media Students

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Last Things Last

Ok, the semester is in full wind-down. Unfortunately I need to attend a funeral in Washington DC on Friday and will be unable to attend class. Any presentations due will have to be done during the Finals period for CM 401, as the demonstration will be held on Monday. I will be taking attendence and any absence will be treated as a missed assignment.

Also, more good news, there is a final blog assignment due, 1500 words, or three times as big as previous assignment. Add pictures, be as journalistic as you can be. I will be getting feedbackfrom 5 friends and they will tell me which essay they think is best. While there will be no impact on the grades, it may give you some impetus to shoot for a good commercial style.

Please pass the word.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Merrimack College CM 401A "The Sixties"


Good Job!

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