A spot to discuss in-class topics

Attentive Sixties J-School Students Attentive 21st Century Media Students

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Protest at work

Missoulian: Darby students walk out to protest curriculum change

Arizona Daily Wildcat - Students protest PC disposal - Thursday, February 26, 2004 There's a creative petition drive technique in this one.

Passionate Day of Action gets students protesting These poor folks are staging a demo in the Newfoundland winter, so No Excuses for bad weather! LOL.

I'm not advocating for or against these topics, I wanted you to see authentic applications.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Nice Job on the essays!

I'm very pleased with your work in general, and with the impact the images add to the pieces!

I resized some artwork through Photobucket so the site would load faster. If you sign in there and click on a picture, you can reduce it's size in set amounts, 25%, 50% or 75% reductions. ONCE AN IMAGE IS RESIZED, IT CAN'T BE ENLARGED AGAIN, SO BE AWARE THAT THE DEFAULT SETTING IS 50%.

I used 75% multiple times to shrink the pictures gradually. Sorry if I killed some of your "edge". I also deleted "test" image posts since folks are applying that knowledge in the essays.

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