A spot to discuss in-class topics

Attentive Sixties J-School Students Attentive 21st Century Media Students

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Essay Reviews

Hi All,

I hope your vacations are going well, and congratulations to all my Seniors!

I had four friends read the blogs and submit their favorites. Each was asked to name a top five, as did I.

Heather and Alison were mentioned most often, appearing on all lists.

David, Meghan O, Matt, Kevin's "Motown Hits" , and Chris were next.

Kathryn and Kevin ("History busts a rhyme) wrapped it up

Several folks got single mentions.

Comments, in no particular order:

David's rebellious approach was refreshing, and combined some interesting observations, particularly Hitchhiking.

Kevin extending Mark Twain to rap music was noticed and though insightful.

Heather's spotlighting Latino under-representation was appreciated.

Matt's view of representaive democracy vs polls was considered "very clear thinking"

Kathyrn's Buyback was very clear and descriptive

Ann's appreciation of the power of a protest was applauded.

Mike's survey of Soul music was also considered "interesting"

My two favorite observations were, alphabetically:
Alison's Maoist Propaganda regaring the Great Leap Forward. (I told myself that if this class knew about the GLF at class end then I had done my job!);

Kevin's "Motown Hits" mentioned that Barry Gordy used car audio speakers to set his final tracks. This level of fundamental understanding of the technical aspects of communication media shows that the subtleties I'd been hoping to get across have struck pay dirt.

I'll be making more extensive comments about individual essay later on.

I enjoyed them all tremendously and found all to be within a few edits of publishing!

Keep up the good work!


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