A spot to discuss in-class topics

Attentive Sixties J-School Students Attentive 21st Century Media Students

Saturday, January 31, 2004

New Class Development

This is a weblog. From now on, students will post their "talking points" here. This way I can review your work, and all can see what everyone else is thinking. This will be an interesting way to help each develop their thoughts. We can see the discussion that usually doesn't get recorded in classroom conversation. I can also post assignments here in case someone missed a class.

Talking Points Defined: a concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts.
Your T.P.'s should include:
- The basic facts! the important people, dates, circumstances, significance and/or the difference made, in one or two sentences;
- Your thoughts on the matter- how it changed things, what was missed, how it compares with competing ideas, etc.

In other words, proof that you researched the matter and gave it some serious thought

I'll mark the posts I've read and may have checked it off on my ledger, so this will help with Class Participation comparison! I'm sure your glad to hear that!

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