A spot to discuss in-class topics

Attentive Sixties J-School Students Attentive 21st Century Media Students

Saturday, February 14, 2004

The Living Room Candidate: 1960 Election Page

The Living Room Candidate: 1960 Election Page

Video of TV ads from the 1960 Presidential election, other years are also at this site. Interesting.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Friday's Topics

We have two main tracks going on in class right now. The main track is the general lecture stream of the chronology of themed events. The second is the Group Project. In addition I'll be trying to help you develop both the quality and presentation of your blog posts.

After a few general instructions for using Photobucket, we'll set up the discussion for next weeks classes on the year 1960.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Town of Beatrice Alabama

Town of Beatrice Alabama

Town of Beatrice Alabama

I found this personal site about the little town of Beatrice, Alabama. It claims to be about the first 100 years of the town, but it seems a few things are missing. There are two photo sections and it roughly follows the high school class of 1960. It seems as though the local yearbook was a major resource for the site. Since we're about to start "1960" this could be an interesting piece to examine.

Sample Image Post

This picture is hosted in Photobucket. I just copied the info from the Tag box on Photobucket and pasted it in the message. When the blog gets published, Windows Explorer reads the HTML tags and the flag is linked into my post. I'll go over this a bit more Friday.

Photobucket Album - sixties

Photobucket Album - sixties

Hi Bookmark this site (add to favorites).

I'll give out the password in class. You can save pictures here and then add them to your posts. It's communal, so please use it wisely.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Essay Delivery

I received one email that Essay links weren't working. Post the link you need and I will email it to you.

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